Theft Offenses

Areas of Practice > Theft Offenses

Theft crimes involve those offenses which relate to the taking of another’s property with the intent to permanently deprive that person of their property.

This is often referred to as stealing. When facing a theft crime in Florida, one can be facing legal consequences such as incarceration, heavy fines, and driver’s license suspension.

Since there is a wide array of theft crimes, there are also a wide magnitude of penalties one can face. Often times, the charge depends on the value of the property taken. In Florida, one can be charged with Grand Theft, a felony, if the value of the property at the time it was taken, exceeds $300 or more. Furthermore, the accused’s intent must have been to deprive the owner of his or her property. Therefore, if you, or someone you know, is charged with a Theft Offense, it is extremely important to get the help from experienced attorneys such as Anthony Bruno & Peter Schoenthal.

Theft Offenses

  • Petty Theft
  • Shoplifting
  • Grand Theft
  • Grand Theft Auto
  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Burglary with a Battery

Accused of a Theft Offense?

You need a reliable defense lawyer who will stand up for your rights and protect your freedom. At Bruno & Schoenthal, we have the knowledge and experience to fight for you.

Our Approach

At Bruno & Schoenthal, we believe that representing clients begins and ends with total preparation.

We also believe that trial is often your best course of action. By preparing a case for trial from the beginning, you leave no stone unturned. When you approach a case this way you often find facts or defenses that can lead to your charges being dismissed or allow you to have a stronger position when negotiating with the government. If you or your attorney is unprepared, there’s no way you can expect a positive outcome in court. That’s why when we approach a case, our first step is to begin fully preparing for trial so you get a complete representation. Unlike other firms who assign a single lawyer to each client, we work together on every single case and we believe in a client-centered approach. This means you will get the benefit of our combined experience and problem solving skills.

By working together, we can develop strategies and initiatives that will help us be successful in court.


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